Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Me , Myself . And You ?

Only 18 more day's until my birthday !!!!! Sorry , I'm just so exited about starting to babysit!!!!! I have been waiting to babysit since my older brother(Jordan)took His babysitting
coarse . Last summer I took mine , I couldn't wait till I was old enough to babysit now finally the time has come !!!!! I know I mentioned this briefly two post's back . Also I changed my name , it is still spelt the same but pronounced differently it sounds kind of like this Elijah .

Did I just write a whole paragraph about me!!!!!
(I've got to stop talking about myself)

What about you!!!! :o)


Anonymous said...

Wow Elisha I could never write a whole para.about myself see that's why I don't have blog of my own.Anyway when you start babysiting you can start babysiting me by yourself.I'am sorry I probably spelt babysiting wrong.Anyway I have no clue what I'am going to get you for your birthday I'll have to think about or hey maybe you can think about what you want for your birthday and give me some ideas.I hope you put a new post on your blog soon

Anonymous said...


Glad to hear you're getting ready to do some babysitting. I'll have to give you a call one day when we need someone to watch over Jeremy ;-)

What would be the greatest birthday present you could imagine?


Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha lol , that's so funny but i'm not sure that Jeremy need's a babysiter seeing that He's older than me and all , I think he can take care of himself :o). Hmmm. . .the greatest birthday present I could imagine would be a 300 dollar (or more)giftcard for Vallue Village .(I'm not that greedy...really lol) :o)

Anonymous said...

To Sophie ( just so you know it is not for anyone else )
I know this sound's weird but I really want a Furby , like realy badly(is badly even a word)!!! I asked my mom for one but she plunged right into her "I for one am not spending my limeted money on somthing that is not a nececity" lol , I still love her . :o)

Donna said...

No furby's and that is not lol! ;o)

Momma loves you too very much!

Anonymous said...

I tried to sign up for facebook but I wasn't old enough :o( ohh well i'll just wait . P.S. i'll write a blog soon .